July 10, 2020
Meeting called to order (quorum):
- July 10 2020, 15:04 UTC
- Paused at 16:00 UTC, resumed at 16:06 UTC
- Paused at 17:06 UTC, resumed at 17:11 UTC
- Adjourned at 17:59 UTC.
Board Members (10)
- Josh
- Chris
- Deb
- Italo
- Pam
- Hong
- Elana
- Tracy
- Faidon
- Megan
- None
Expected, but Not Present
- None
Sent Regrets
- None
Officer Reports
Secretary’s Report (Chris Lamb)
- Motion (Chris): Approve Board meeting minutes of June 12, 2020 (https://wiki.opensource.org/bin/Main/OSI+Board+of+Directors/Board+Meeting+Notes/20200612_Board_Minutes
- Second (Tracy).
- Discussion: none
- Vote: Yes, 10; No, 0; Abstain, 0.
- Resolution: Passed
Treasurer’s Report (Tracy Hinds)
- Monthly Financial Report, see Appendix A
- All monthly reports are available on the OSI Financial Statements’ wiki page at,https://wiki.opensource.org/bin/Operations/Financial+Statements
- Finance Committee Meeting Notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ICViJ-NO44p9okFvJFtf9uGsVSqBC7G6aZ-hQejKelo/edit#bookmark=id.i60bshtly4hb
- No discussion / questions.
President’s Report (Josh Simmons)
- Statement: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-ME7Dnm4Kg0h7xLMUzTqoWJ6JXYmByDxt_nBAM72bVE/edit
- Highlights of current situation and challenges
- Temporary situation re. missing full-time GM
- Proposal for interim GM, needing vision work for migrating away from full-time GM
- Personal reflections and thanks
General Manager Report
Board Topics
- Pre-motion discussion: Multiple candidates
- Vote taken on Doodle, candidates being Deb Bryant and Elana Hashman
- Motion (Chris): Appoint Deb Bryant as Secretary.
- Second (Elana).
- Discussion: –
- Vote: Yes (9) ; No (0) ; Abstain (1): .
- Resolution (Motion passes):
- Motion (Josh): Appoint Hong Phuc Dang as Chair of State of the Source Summit.
- Second (Italo).
- Discussion:
- Vote: Yes (9) ; No (0) ; Abstain (1).
- Resolution (Motion passes):
Board Action Items
- A list of open issues assigned to the board and/or board directors with current items and status:
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YUWUlRqcPGqxRXwAUwpYI8Pmf3SDDlHZZHwsJjPobXA/edit#gid=0
- Action items not up-to-date so not discussed.
Committee Reports
* General thanks to all commitees from President
License Committee
- * No licenses submitted and limited discussion on-list
Standards Committee
- Q2 Standards Newsletter: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1e-xFfLMrpKt2jvJojv_TrkgKM4MbX_lDfE-x6yRmrpY/
- Question re. updates call mentioned in Newsletter (from Simon to stakeholders, scheduling tbd)
- Question and discussion on expansion beyond activities in the European Union. Request for improved communication regarding the leverage from EU/EC-centric work.
Communications Committee
- No meetings yet.
- Document shared with Board re. monitoring of media. Encloses plan to provide weekly summary of relevant topics to avoid OSI always being responsive to news, rather than proactive.
- Overview of Communications DIrector proposal.
- Request to see Charter of Communications Committee
- https://meet.google.com/linkredirect?authuser=1&dest=https%3A%2F%2Fdocs.google.com%2Fdocument%2Fd%2F1ibdiZzxUXTYH_b-O7eNPUKDgr5PwRPHjxIVyGM8GamY%2Fedit
- https://opensource.org/organization (under Committees of the Board)
Membership Committee
- June 26th Committee Meeting Report:https://wiki.opensource.org/bin/download/Main/OSI+Board+of+Directors/Board+Meeting+Notes/20200710Agenda/Membership%20Report.pdf
- Update on Membership Survey: 55 responses received (6% response rate individual, 10% organisation). Full report pending approx next week (13 July) with pull quotes, summaries, etc. to provide input to upcoming vision work.
- Suggestion to re-use identical surveys in future for comparison; all documentation has been archived for this.
* OpenUK as affiliate:
- * Preliminary notes regarding previous attempt at vote re. OpenUK membership’s system and timing of the vote itself (between board meetings).
- Motion (Elana): Approve OpenUK as an OSI Affiliate Member (see Appendix D)
- Second (Italo).
- Discussion:
- Vote: Yes (9) ; No (0) ; Abstain (1, Chris).
- Resolution: (Passes)
Finance Committee
- June 18th Committee Meeting Minutes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ICViJ-NO44p9okFvJFtf9uGsVSqBC7G6aZ-hQejKelo/edit#bookmark=id.i60bshtly4hb
- Update regarding the timing of future budgets
- Insurance Offers:https://wiki.opensource.org/bin/download/Main/OSI+Board+of+Directors/Board+Meeting+Notes/20200710Agenda/DO%20Offer.pdf
- D&O Insurance:https://wiki.opensource.org/bin/download/Main/OSI+Board+of+Directors/Board+Meeting+Notes/20200710Agenda/Philadelphia_D%26OInsurance.pdf
- Liability Insurance:https://wiki.opensource.org/bin/download/Main/OSI+Board+of+Directors/Board+Meeting+Notes/20200710Agenda/ANI%20-%20Liability%20Insurance%20Quote.pdf
- Motion (Tracy): Accept Directors and Officers (D&O) and Liability Insurance offers as submitted in Board packet for July 2020 Board meeting.
- Second (Elana).
- Discussion: Annual premium D&O $3,126. More details in email from Phyllis (June 18). Need to update location for home of GM.
- Vote: Yes (10) ; No (0) ; Abstain (0) .
- Resolution: Passes
- Budget
- Budget v2 (see P&L tab “2020 budget”):https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pXG1w-sXsn2vUPzy_Hx4Vkkagmh4ncWsjetcC_K8gZc/edit#gid=1670088300
- Budget Presentation:https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1HpTn_zWYplNlxbSgGHbqQWyOoBqn0FEEgw_OGcdxZKo/
- Future iterations of budget likely to feature presentations
- Motion (Deb): Approve 2020 budget as submitted in Board packet for July 2020 Board meeting.
- Second (Megan).
- Discussions:
- comparison to potential scenarios.
- Implications of budget on reserves (“4 months”)
- Confidence and therefore timeline of filling our open positions (Interim General Manager & Community/Communications Manager)
- Vote: Yes (10) ; No (0) ; Abstain (0)
- Resolution: Passes.
Staffing Committee
- Interim GM Proposal:https://docs.google.com/document/d/15C0u21kwMXJt_J38nX0tiFEyJbYeqlAYpXYz99belmk/edit#
- Clarification on our confidence on filling the position
- Question if candidate can only commit to the role for (eg.) 6 months and its impact on our longer-term hiring plans. Answer: Highly dependant on the candidate. Not ideal, unless they can truly hit the ground running then a maybe.
- Timeline highlighted. Question to transition GM team on their limitations and how long they can maintain the temporary, emergency situation.
- Question raised regarding the process leading to our timeline, weighing speed against a measured approach.
- Suggested date for offer letter sent to prefered candidate 31st July, working backwards from that.
- Josh to prompt for responses:
- By EOD today (2020-07-10): re. serving on panels (eg. with managerial hiring skills)
- Recommendations and questions for candidates.
- Discussion on the OSI’s potential response to candidates asking about the history/availability of the GM role.
- Monthly Report:https://wiki.opensource.org/bin/download/Main/OSI+Board+of+Directors/Board+Meeting+Notes/20200710Agenda/Staffing%20Report.pdf
- June 26th Committee Meeting Report:https://wiki.opensource.org/bin/download/Main/OSI+Board+of+Directors/Board+Meeting+Notes/20200710Agenda/2020-06-26%20Staffing%20Report.pdf
- Motion (Josh): Approve the Staffing Committee to start the hiring process in accordance with the Interim GM proposal.
- Second (Hong).
- Discussion: Motion includes the date(s) in proposal document
- Vote: Yes (10) ; No (0) ; Abstain (0)
- Resolution: passes
- Reference to original motion appointing Patrick Masson to an ex officio seat on the Board: https://opensource.org/minutes20131112
- Original motivation was to include GM on Board communications.
- Motion (Josh): Clarify that Interim General Manager will not fill an ex officio seat on the Board of Directors unless an explicit vote is held to seat them as such.
- Second (Faidon)
- Discussion: None
- Vote: Yes (10) ; No (0) ; Abstain (0)
- Resolution: Passes
- 1 year consulting agreement with LocusPlexus LLC.https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UPQwHQuEUHyGmDXpwf-UKdCehkD7DDMyZljY3vl2I80/edit#
- Noted 2 phases in hourly commitment from LocusPlexus to reflect OSI’s change of expectations over time (page 9)
- Rate 100 USD / hour (same as Phyllis)
- Clarification made on invoicing approval process.
- Contract provided by DLA Piper; differences highlighted in document.
- Board members wishing to engage Patrick should write to Patrick and copy President andVice President(s).
- Motion (Deb): Approve the 1 year consulting contract with LocusPlexus (Patrick Masson).
- Second (Megan).
- Discussion: None
- Vote: Yes (10) ; No (0) ; Abstain (0)
- Resolution: Passes
Standing Committee
- June 19th Committee Meeting Report:https://wiki.opensource.org/bin/download/Main/OSI+Board+of+Directors/Board+Meeting+Notes/20200710Agenda/2020-06-19%20Standing%20Report.pdf
- July 1st Committee Meeting Report:https://wiki.opensource.org/bin/download/Main/OSI+Board+of+Directors/Board+Meeting+Notes/20200710Agenda/2020-07-01%20Standing%20Report.pdf
- Interim GM Hiring Decision Proposal: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-ALjrQ_8WOWfwRaCUD1xyxiuwiHynh7ThsNaFpUnm4s/edit#
- Background laid out on the procedure regarding interaction between Standing Committee and Staffing Committee regarding proposals for Interim GM. Various tradeoffs discussed, especially to avoid voting approval by email.
- Motion (Pam): Approve the Standing Committee to act on the Staffing Committee’s Interim GM recommendations in accordance with the Interim GM Hiring Decision Proposal.
- Second (Tracy)
- Discussion: Josh commits to providing additional clarity to process post-vote, without changing meaning
- Vote: Yes (10); No (0); Abstain (0).
- Motion: Passes
- 6 month agreement with Meshed Insights:https://wiki.opensource.org/bin/download/Main/OSI+Board+of+Directors/Board+Meeting+Notes/20200710Agenda/PhippsContractFinal_FixedFee_6Mos.odt
- On the robust recommendation of the Standards Committee
- Renewal of previous 3 month contract. Adds a termination clause to allow both parties to walk away on short notice.
- Motion (Pam): Approve the 6 month contract with Meshed Insights (Simon Phipps).
- Second (Deb).
- Discussion: None
- Vote: Yes (10); No (0); Abstain (0).
- Motion: Passes
- Return to discussion on anticipated questions re. IGM (Deb)
- Deb previously volunteered to sketch responses to anticipated questions from Interim General Manager candidates.
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1z20XHWBMz8p12STL_Z8qkGS-jGd1fU0GIXeeazjPQe0/edit#heading=h.ehcdl8ibv3z8
Next Board Meeting
The next OSI board meeting is scheduled for 14th August 2020
- Items for board packet should be submitted by ____
Meeting Adjourned
- Motion (Josh): Adjurn board meeting of 2020-07-10.
- Second (Megan).
- Discussion:
- Vote: Yes (10) ; No (0) ; Abstain (0)
- Meeting adjourned at 17:59 UTC
Appendix A – Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer’s Report For the Month Ending June 30, 2020
- All monthly reports are available on the OSI Financial Statements’ wiki page at,https://wiki.opensource.org/bin/Operations/Financial+Statements
- OSI Financial Statements for June:https://wiki.opensource.org/bin/download/Operations/Financial+Statements/OpenSourceInitiative_FinancialStatements_20200630.pdf
- Total Assets at Beginning of Period, 06/01/20: $328,481
- Revenue or Sources of Funds
- Contributions: $170,269
- Commissions: $15,000
- Memberships: $720
- Interest: $3
- Total Revenue or Sources of Funds: $185,991
- Expenses or Uses of Funds
- Compensation: $10,987
- Insurance Expense: $248
- Internet Expenses, $1
- Legal & Professional Fees: $7,355
- Office Expenses: $227
- Program Service Expense: $15,000
- Promotional Expense: $99
- Other Expenses: $143
- Total Expenses or Uses of Funds: $34,059
- Change in Accounts Payable: -$1,066
- SBA EID Loan: $150,000
- Other: $4
- Total Assets at End of Period, 06/30/20: $629,351
Appendix B – General Manager’s Report
- Board Alumni
- Advocacy Circle
- State of The Source
- Communications
- Memberships
- Community
- Investment
- HR Development
- Staff and Staffing
Appendix C- Working Group and Incubator Reports
- Financial Statements for June:https://wiki.opensource.org/bin/download/Operations/Financial+Statements/ClearlyDefined_FinancialStatements_20200630.pdf
- Report for July:
FLOSS Desktops
Open Source and Standards
Open Source Technology Management
Appendix D – Affiliate Member Applications and Review
Affiliate Member Application (Non-Profit): OpenUK (https://openuk.uk/)
- Signed Affiliate Agreement
- ✓ Signed Affiliate Agreement:https://wiki.opensource.org/bin/download/Main/Communities/Affiliates/Affiliate_Status/WebHome/OpenUK_OSI_affiliate_signature.jpeg
- Currently recognized as a (or application submitted for) non-profit / not-for-profit (or equivalent) by the national government were organized.
- ✓ OpenUK is a not for profit, UK company limited by guarantee.https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/11209475
- Mission statement describing purpose and goals.
- ✓ “Our vision is to develop and sustain UK leadership in open technology. We do this through building a strong community across open in the UK and ensuring that is visible, ensuring through our legal and policy work that the UK is a great place to do open and thirdly, on education.”
- See Articles of Assoication, page 3, “STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES,” https://openuk.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Incorporation-documents.pdf
- Documentation formalizing organization, e.g. by-laws.
- ✓ Documents of Incorporation https://openuk.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Incorporation-documents.pdf
- Publicly available release of a product(s) or service(s).
- ✓ Events: https://openuk.uk/events/
- ✓ Activities: https://openuk.uk/committees/
- Use of an OSI approved open source license (software development projects only).
- Not applicable
- Documented approach for participation by the public.
- ✓ OpenUK does not currently have a membership structure. However, OpenUK will launch a new paid supporter structure later this year. For now and going forward anyone interested in joining the OpenUK may do so by joining the appropriate mailing list.https://openuk.uk/committees/
- An active community:
- Methods for current and interested individuals/organizations to join and participate in your community
- ✓ Newsletters for each committee: https://openuk.uk/committees/
- ✓ Public may join as a Member, a Sponsor, a Friend or participate in a Committee:https://openuk.uk/participants/
- Active participation from multiple contributors, i.e. individuals and organizations other than founders (contributions may be other than programming/technology)
- ✓ Twelve board members: https://openuk.uk/about-us/openuk-board/
- ✓ Twenty-five committee participants: https://openuk.uk/committees/
- ✓ Eight “friends” (corporate and non-profits) who support the OpenUK and its mission: https://openuk.uk/participants/friends/
- ✓ Twelve “Partners” (sponsors), https://openuk.uk/participants/sponsors/
- ✓ Multiple speakers and presenters, https://openuk.uk/events-calendar/list/?eventDisplay=past
- References from other open source projects, ideally a current OSI Affiliate Member.
- ✓ Deb Bryant, Pamela Chestek, Chris Lamb, Patrick Masson, Simon Phipps,