Obituary: Raj Mathur
Former OSI Board member Danese Cooper writes: One of the pillars of the Indian FOSS Community passed away this week. Known for his humor, his uncompromising honesty and his generosity…
Obituary: Raj Mathur
Former OSI Board member Danese Cooper writes: One of the pillars of the Indian FOSS Community passed away this week. Known for his humor, his uncompromising honesty and his generosity…
We just received confirmation that OSI’s request to be added as a signatory to the Declaration of Internet Freedom has been accepted. We endorse this Declaration and encourage authorities worldwide…
Just to make sure that everyone knows, this “OpenSource” user on Google Plus posts links to interesting Open Source software, and has nothing to do with us. When they talk…
As part of the OSI’s governance reform, we are planning to establish a mechanism for individuals to join the OSI. We recently conducted a survey to ask people about their…
Back in 2006, a detailed discussion at the Open Source Initiative led to the creation of a statement about what makes a standard open, and a set of criteria for…
The OSI recently instituted a term limit on directors (after two terms, a director must be off the board for at least one year). In the most recent election cycle,…
I just read this in Nature: The researchers designed the structure of the nanorobots using open-source software, called Cadnano, developed by one of the authors — Shawn Douglas, a biophysicist…
UPDATE: Please note this survey was completed in March 2012 and the data was used to design OSI Individual Membership The Open Source Initiative is switching to a member-led governance….
New Hampshire has passed a new law that is summarized as follows: This bill requires state agencies to consider open source software when acquiring software and promotes the use of…
In preparation for my keynote at FOSDEM, I was interviewed by the team who have just posted the interview. In particular, I noted this background to the governance reform, which…
As courses, certificates, and curricula are created, it’s valuable to bring together people who are working to develop and deliver this material into a community where we can jointly define…
On November 11, 2011, the government of the State of Rio de Janeiro – the second largest state in Brazil in terms of population and GDP – published a new…
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