Live Meeting Notes:
Call in information:
- To join the video meeting, click this link: https://meet.google.com/ttb-aamd-ymi
Quorum reached and meeting called to order at 16:06 UTC.
Board Members
Chris Lamb
Deb Bryant
Elana Hashman
Faidon Liambotis
Hong Phuc Dang
Italo Vignoli
Josh Simmons
Megan Byrd-Sanicki
Pamela Chestek
Tracy Hinds
Deb Nicholson
Expected, but Not Present
Approve minutes from last time (2 minutes)
Deb motioned, Chris seconded
Minutes from January’s Meeting
Vote: 9 yes; no; 1 abstain
Finance update: Tracy (10 minutes)
Fundraising: Deb & Tracy (10 minutes)
Take a look at the sponsor sheet to see if everyone is in the right place.
Consider a campaign to announce a new level? Fundraising committee
Board Business (20 minutes)
- Short discussion identifying elements for inclusion in the Board Orientation (Deb)
Lots of names and I didn’t know who they are, a who’s who or org chart?
Lots of platforms, and I didn’t know where everything was
What level of licensing knowledge do you need to have?
What are we trying to achieve, what is our mission, vision, etc?
What kinds of conversations should I expect to have
Fiduciary responsibility, other liability?
Things we are committed to, eg Budget
Job descriptions for committees, scope for each
Overview of our programmatic activity
Norms and traditions, golf clap
How is the retreat different then regular meetings?
what are the traditions with the retreat?
Bylaws (https://opensource.org/bylaws) elections (https://opensource.org/elections)and appointments )(https://opensource.org/node/1011
- Highlighting roles that are or will be empty soon, plus Q&A (Josh)
Nominations are open through March 2nd
Officers will be revoted when we seat a new board
Snowdrift Update, Q&A (5 minutes, Elana)
They got a donation but after the end of 2020 so we still have some of their money
Staffing Committee – Exec Dir update, including timing (15 minutes, Megan)
We modeled around hiring in July and raising about $300K this year
This isn’t quite possible with our current momentum
Start interviewing on May 1st, update the current applicants
Our close date is a little later now, need to do some messaging to socialize
Strategic Exercise on Vision, discussion (25 minutes, Megan)
Looking for two people to help draft a vision for the next three years to bring back to the next board meeting
What we be most proud of having accomplished in the next three years?
Converted to a staff driven org
An OSI that is responsive to developments in the industry
Reputation is modernized
Contemporarily relevant
Financially stable,looking at what more we can do not how to make sure we aren’t doing less
We should have evolved in three years to have new goals
Internationally recognized org that adds value to the community beyond the license list
Change the conversation around open source so that it’s being lead by advocates and practitioners
Explore the idea of creating a European entity
For OSI to be a leader, we need to be doing the convening, coalition building, listening, bridging, etc.
Be the uncontested, authoritative voice on what open source is
Fellow crafters? Elana and Deb B., Italo
Next meeting (5 minutes, Deb)
Next Board Meeting
The next OSI board meeting is scheduled for…
March 19th