Board Members present
- Thierry Carrez
- Aeva Black
- Justin Colannino
- Catharina Maracke
- Carlo Piana
- Amanda Brock
- Pamela Chestek
- Tracy Hinds
- Stefano Maffulli
- Hong Phuc Dang
Quorum reached and meeting called to order at 16:05 UTC.
Approval of last board meeting minutes
Motion (Justin): Approve minutes from 3/18
Second (Pam).
Vote: 4 Yes; 0 No; 4 Abstain (Amanda, Josh, Thierry, Carlo)
Motion carries.
Motion (Justin): Approve minutes from 3/24
Second (Pam).
Vote: 4 Yes; 0 No; 4 Abstain (Amanda, Josh, Carlo, Catharina)
Motion carries.
Quick round of introductions of all board members
End of Q1 operation report
Stefano provided a summary of Q1 financials. We are holding at 5 months operating reserve, with 6 new sponsors and 2 renewals.
Recap of elections, suggestions for future plans
Election timeline discussed. Stefano suggested updating the process and software for the next election, and allowing more time for candidates’ presentations during the next election cycle. Stefano requested feedback from board members.
Outlook of Q2, events plan, fundraising objectives and discussion
Stefano presented a proposal and timeline for the event. Board expressed no concerns. A discussion of fundraising needs and plans followed.
Code of Conduct / Conflict of Interest policy
Catharina gave an update. Board discussed the difference between a set of expectations for Board Members vs a Community Code of Conduct.
General agreement that updating our community CoC is important in the lead up to returning to in-person events. Suggestion raised to have continuing board members update their CoI / affiliation disclosure list every year.
Open Board Positions to be voted and appointed in May
Catharina presented positions to be appointed in May: Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Secretary, Assistant Secretary
Appoint representative for: 1) Consul, 2) ClearlyDefined, 3) SeaGL
Aeva volunteered for SeaGL
Josh volunteered for ClearlyDefined
Catharina motions to appoint Josh as the representative to ClearlyDefined. Carlo seconds. Josh abstains. No objections. Motion passes.
Josh motions to appoint Aeva as the representative to SeaGL. Catharina seconds. Aeva abstains. No objections. Motion passes.
No one self-nominated for the representative role to Consul. Tracy points out that the board has discussed this previously. Catharina and Tracy to follow up with Simon.
Monthly report from Standards Committee
Distributed by email. No questions raised.
Meeting adjourned at 17:55 UTC.