
July 15, 2022

Board Members

Aeva Black, Justin Colannino, Amanda Brock, Catharina Maracke, Pamela Chestek, Thierry Carrez, Tracy Hinds, Carlo Piana


Josh Berkus


Stefano Maffulli

Quorum reached at 08:05


Approval of previous minutes

Catharina moved to approve minutes from 6/17. Thierry seconded. Minutes approved.

Operational Update

Revenue is $60k behind budget. More than $100k in outstanding / past due payments.

Board requests that Stef include more financial details, particularly regarding past-due payments, in future board meetings.

Stef shares an update on ‘Deep Dive: AI’, and provides a timeline and list of potential organizational collaborators for the panel phase. Stef requested feedback regarding additional collaborators and contacts for panel invitations.

Stef shares a list of donors he is actively soliciting. Board briefly discusses the “donor value proposition”.

Josh Berkus joins the call (08:40).

Stef provides a detailed view on income and expenses, proposes re-allocating funds to hire a Director of US Policy. Board discusses balancing resources spent on value delivery (incl. standards and policy work) against resources spent to assist Stefano with fundraising and operational needs. Board reached consensus to reallocate funds and retain Deb Bryant as a Policy Director.

Tracy moves to reallocate money to a policy director, as presented by Stefano. Catharina seconds. Josh Berkus abstains. All others in favor. Motion passes. 

Amanda suggests the board require a clearer financial picture before making future financial decisions.

Board discusses earmarked funds and future prospects for Clearly Defined. Justin and Aeva to follow up with Stef and Carol, and come back to the board with recommendations.

Board Seat Vacancy

Board discusses at length how to address the board vacancy, exploring several pro’s and con’s to each solution. As the end of the meeting approaches without a clear outcome, Aeva suggests performing a test vote.

Aeva introduces a motion to leave the vacant board seat empty until the next election, and notes that this is not intended to be a precedent-setting motion, and that future boards may choose differently. Catharina seconds. Against: Tracy, Amanda, Josh, Carlos, Justin. In favor: Thierry, Pam, Catherina, Aeva. Motion does not carry. 

Board members thank Aeva for the test vote, and the discussion is moved to email.