
September 30, 2022

Board Members
Aeva Black, Justin Colannino, Catharina Maracke, Pamela Chestek, Thierry Carrez, Tracy Hinds, Carlo Piana, Amanda Brock

Josh Berkus

Stefano Maffulli, Adam Goodman

Quorum reached at 08:05


Approval of previous minutes
Thierry motioned to approve August 19 minutes. Catharina seconded. All present approved.

Operational Update
Catharina noted the unusual nature of rescheduling of a board meeting, and requested that Stef provide an update from OSSummit EU.

Stef noted the announcement that PyTorch was contributed to the Linux Foundation, and noted the creation of the Linux Foundation Europe organization. The board discussed the announcements.

Catharina began a discussion on board member onboarding and voting procedures, and presented the collated onboarding documents’ new location. Catharina also provided context around the last year of OSI Board changes, and invited Adam to present to the Board as we begin looking towards 2023’s strategy. Adam provided an overview of the 2020 Board Strategy Sessions as context setting for future discussions of 2023 strategy.

Amanda expressed concerns, and the board discussed.

Catharina and Adam closed the meeting with a summary of the discussion.

Meeting adjourned at 10:13