Board Members Aeva Black, Tracy Hinds, Carlo Piana, Josh Berkus, Justin Colannino, Pamela Chestek, Catharina Maracke, Thierry Carrez
Guests Stefano Maffuli
Regrets Anne-Marie Scott
Quorum reached at 08:04 PT
Justin moves to approve September minutes. Tracy seconded. All present approved.
Justin moves to approve October minutes. Carlo seconded. All present approved.
Stefano asks the board to continue the discussion regarding Board Expansion. Justin and Carlo discuss the prospective individuals they have contacted, and Aeva and Catharina commit to reaching out to two additional prospective individuals. Josh notes that forming a candidate search committee next year could save the board time.
Catharina moves to invite Gaël Blondelle to join the Board. Carlo seconds. All present approved.
Stefano presents financial highlights.
Stefano opens a discussion on prioritized work for FY24, and the board discusses items that have been moved to the backburner. Stefano shares the current org chart for the OSI, and notes that the two highest priority open positions are a policy analyst and a tech lead. To support the Board’s FY24 prioritized goals, Stefano presents an estimated FY24 cost that is substantially higher than FY23 revenue.
Tracy moves to approve Stefano’s presentation of the 2024 strategy and high-level budget. Carlo seconded the motion. All present approved.
Stefano moves on to discuss the status of the Open Source AI Definition, and provides a summary of the recent workshop.
Anne-Marie Scott joins at 09:28
The board discusses the draft of the four freedoms for Open Source AI, and the growing tension around regulation and ethical use of generative models. Anne-Marie points out that these tensions indicate that open source’s applicability to AI is, indeed, a core question for the OSI’s mission.
Pam moves that the Unicode License version 3 be approved as an OSI approved license, and that the prior version be marked superseded. No opposition. Motion passes.
Josh provided an update on the license working group by email, and verbally notes that a small number of licenses have been identified whose status on the website does not accurately reflect the Board’s prior decisions.
The board discusses the SustainOSS affiliate application, and concerns about the uncertain organizational structure. The Board took no action, and asked Stefano to gather more information.
The meeting adjourned at 10:04.