Miles graduated from The Australian National University in 1994 with a BSc majoring in Computer Science. In his professional career since, he has primarily used and contributed to open source software.
He has worked in the US, UK and Australia in both civil service and private industry roles. Taking a break from work, Miles is now looking to contribute to the open source community.
Miles joined Linux Australia as an ordinary council member in 2019 and also that year became part of the organising committee for the open source conference. Although the COVID pandemic scuttled the initial plans for the 2021 conference, Miles chaired the 2022 (online) conference.
How the candidate will contribute to the board
Miles was an ordinary council member of Linux Australia in 2019, which
Having worked in both civil service and private industry, Miles would seek to promote the adoption of quality open source solutions in professional environments to combat the tendency to select well marketed closed-source alternatives (which can often have other inferior qualities too). More than this, Miles would like to foster the professional environments to build-in contributing to open source projects (particularly within government environments).
Why the candidate should be elected
Miles’ 30 year experience in using open source software in professional situations (both private and government) provides a good background for advocating for the adoption and support of open source within these environments.
Miles’ brings experience of membership of and working within open source and community technology organisations.