OSI Board Meeting Minutes, April 18, 2007
Mr. Michael Tiemann, President,
Ms. Danese Cooper, Secretary & Treasurer,
Mr. Ken Coar, Director
Mr. Russ Nelson, Director
Mr. Ernie Prabhakar, Board Observer
Mr. Bdale Garbee, Board Observer
Meeting called to order and quorum was achieved at 8h22 am PDT
* Proposal that we modify the bylaws to give freshman directors a 1-year initial appointment, followed by a 2-year term after reconfirmation when the appointment runs out rather than the existing 3-year term. This would allow for everyone to get used to working together and could give us a chance to adjust for any unforseen issues. Need to ask Mark Radcliffe for appropriate language. Idea will be fleshed out in email before next regular Board meeting.
* Mr. Tiemann moved that the size of the Board be increased to ten seats. Mr. Coar seconded; passed by general consent.
* Mr. Tiemann moved that the slate for the 2007 board be
Mr. Rishab Ayer Ghosh (retaining his seat for another 3-year term),
Ms. Alolita Sharma (replacing seat vacated by Sanjiva Weewarawana),
Mr. Raju Mathur (taking seat vacated by Joitchi Ito), and
Ms. Nnenna Nwakanma(taking the new seat).
Ken seconded; Passed unanimously.
* Mr. Tiemann moved that Mr. Sanjiva Weewarawana and Mr. Joi Ito be appointed emeritus members, Ms. Cooper seconded; passed unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 8h57 PDT