OSI Board Meeting Minutes, Monday, March 3, 2008
Meeting called to order at 7:15am PST
Mr. Michael Tiemann, President
Ms. Danese Cooper, Secretary & Treasurer
Mr. Russ Nelson, Director
Ms. Nnenna Nwakanma, Director
Ms. Alolita Sharma, Director
Mr. Bruno Souza, Director (by phone)
Mr. Mark Radcliffe, General Counsel (9h30am PST)
Dr. Ernie Prabhakar, Board Observer
Mr. Bdale Garbee, Board Observer
Mr. Andrew C. Oliver, Board Observer (10h00am PST)
Not Present:
Mr. Ken Coar, Director
Mr. Raj Mathur, Director
Mr. Matt Asay, Director
Mr. Rishab Aiyer Ghosh, Director
Mr. Zak Greant, Board Observer
1. Membership (Mr. Souza, 9:00am-10:30am)
Discussion of report submitted by Bruno about the topic of OSI as a member organization.
Goal to publish a Strawman document in March 2008 and to develop a presentation in the OSCON timeframe a version 3.0 OSI
2. Discussion of new board candidates (Ms. Cooper, 10:30am-11:30am)
Key skillset should be people who are adept at making membership work.
Emeritus Board Members:
* Matt Asay
* Raj Mathur
Re-elections (must submit a statement to board before meeting 3/12):
* Ken Coar
* Russ Nelson
* Danese Cooper
Reconfirmations (on slate for 3/12):
* Alolita Sharma
* Nnenna Nwakanma
Board Observers term ending (Mr. Tiemann):
* David Axemark
* Fede Heinz
* Sally Khudairi
* Laura Majerus
Discussion of candidates to which we plan to send applications
3. Voting and Action Items (Mr. Tiemann, 11:30am-1:00pm)
* AGPL (vote on March 12)
* Trademark Enforcement (wait for new board)
Mr. Tiemann moved that we authorize Mr. Radcliffe to explore how best to develop a Pro Bono Legal matching service under the auspices of OSI. Ms. Sharma seconded. Passed by unanimous consent.
Mr. Tiemann authorized travel expenditures in connection with establishment of TRAC as organizational tool for OSI.
Mr. Prabhakar updated TRAC system with action items from this meeting.
4. Logo Licensing (Mr. Nelson 1:00pm-2:00pm)
Discussion, review and deployment of existing draft agreements for logo licensing.
Ms. Cooper moved to adjourn the meeting 12:05pm PST, Mr. Tiemann seconded. Meeting adjourned at 3:00pm PST.