May 18, 2017 Board Meeting Minutes
Quorum reached and meeting called to order at 12:06 UTC.
Board Members
- Italo
- Allison
- Molly
- Patrick
- Josh
- Paul
- Simon
- Carol
- Deb
- Mike (joined 12:18)
Sent Regrets
- Richard
Officer Reports
- Motion to approve minutes (Patrick) 2017 Spring Face to Face Draft Minutes:
- Treasurer’s report (Mike), see Appendix A
Board Topics
Membership Topics
- Move ahead with Casey Valk’s Draft OSI Volunteer Program Charter?
- More detail on how to maintain relationships
- Develop engagement process once volunteers come together
- Develop “job descriptions” for volunteer roles
- ACTION: PATRICK to follow up
- Potential for FSFE collaboration
Communications Topics
- Discuss the topics included in Italo’s report about the call with Ed Schauweker:
Target a quarterly media outreach effort, leveraging some news announcement (this is intended to reach a general audience, outside OSI traditional ecosystem)- Italo to clarify the concept of “leveraging some news announcements”
Leveraging Reddit as a communication channel to reach OSI traditional ecosystem: creating the OSI subreddit to discuss relevant topics such as OSS licensing and projects such as “beyond licensing”, organize an AMA on the opensource subreddit (every quarter?). - Italo to organize the first AMA, to see the results and decide based on these
Leverage OSI member/affiliate/sponsor ecosystem, which represents the OSS ecosystem at large, to organize a survey about future trends in OSS, to be organized during the third quarter for release during the fourth quarter when media looks for “open source in 2018” news stories. - Italo to organize a call/discussion with the group of people available (please add you name here: ) and Ed, to go from idea to project
Involve Ed Schauweker in discussions about 20th Anniversary planning. - We will invite Ed to specific communications meeting about the 20th anniversary
- Italo to clarify the concept of “leveraging some news announcements”
Fundraising Topics
- Over OSCON contacted 49 folks regarding sponsorship. Had 30 follow-ups, resulting in 15 discussions: Amazon, AMEX, Capitol One, Ciena, CloudFlare, Dell, DigitalOcean, Engineering Group, Four Kitchens, GM, Indeed, Microsoft, NPM, Redis Labs, SuiteCRM. We have one commitment, Microsoft.
Legal Topics
Infrastructure Topics
- Update on email services. Google mail would wok from emails, looking at issues with mailman.
ACTION: Paul to reach out to Eclipse - Part of Google non-profits plan?
Incubator/Project Topics
- OpenHatch officially wound down, need to check for remaining recurring donations and cancel, follow up on blog post
ACTION: PATRICK to shut down contribution page.
ACTION: PAUL to request letter detailing request to forward funds. - Per their blog post, the’ve announced the remaining dollars are going to Outreachy after they use funds to “wind down”
- Sean Roberts is working to relauch the Public Policy Working group (Deb-sponsored), with a target to meet within the monthy/
Review of Timeline
Planning Timeline
Next Board Meeting
- The next OSI board meeting is scheduled for Thursday June 8th, 2017
Meeting adjourned at 1:05
- Motion (Patrick): Approve and post the meeting minutes of Spring 2017 F2F.
Second (Allison).
Discussion: None
Vote: 13 Yes; 0 No; 0 Abstain.
Appendix A – Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer’s Report For the Month Ending March 31, 2017
- Total Assets at Beginning of Period: $47,312.11
- Income or Sources of Funds:
- Contributions: $25,189.00
- Memberships: $1238.82 (33 @ $40 less Murdoch refund)
- Open Hatch: 99.49 (Received $99.49, paid $0)
- Interest: $1.29
- Commissions: $10.94
- Total Income or Sources of Funds: $26,539.54
- Expenses or Uses of Funds for Operations:
- Payroll: $9010.00
- Professional: $650.00
- Bank Fees: $13.81
- Supplies: $
- Postage, Shipping: $25.54
- Software: $
- Conferences/Conv: $696.89
- Meetings: $212.70
- Website Hosting: $
- Paypal: $48.74
- Total Expenses or Uses of Funds for Operations: $10,657.68
- Total Assets at End of Period: $63,107.67
- Major Contributions 2017: (Invoiced not received in bold)
- Previous Sponsor: $25000.00 unsolicited recd 3/9/17
- Previous Sponsor: $ (committed to 4th quarter)
- Previous Sponsor: $ (committed $20K at OSCON)
- Previous Sponsor: $ (solicited, no reply)
- Previous Sponsor: $ (Confirmed no for 2017)
- New Sponsor: $ 1000 Invoiced 6/20/16
- Previous Sponsor $ 4000 (2017 contribution invoiced 11/28/16 paid 12/06/16)
- Previous Sponsor $ (should have been invoiced, $20K)
- New Sponsor: $1000 Unsolicited contribution received 11/29/16
- Previous Sponsor $5000 invoiced 12/28/16 received 1/19/16
- New Sponsor: $1000 Unsolicited received 12/25/16
Treasurer’s Report For the Month Ending April 30, 2017
- Total Assets at Beginning of Period: $63,107.67
- Income or Sources of Funds:
- Contributions: $ 20570.00
- Memberships: $ 480.00
- Open Hatch: (12 @ $40 less Murdoch refund) 99.39 Paying balance May 8
- Interest: $ 1.25
- Commissions $ 7.42
- Total Income or Sources of Funds: $21158.06
- Expenses or Uses of Funds for Operations:
- Payroll $ 8990.42
- Professional $ 1338.00
- Bank Fees $ 10.85
- Supplies $
- Postage, Shipping $25.56
- Software $
- Conferences/Conv $ 830.81
- Meetings $ 3758.48
- Website Hosting $
- Paypal $21.76
- Total Expenses or Uses of Funds for Operations: $ 14975.88
- Total Assets at End of Period $ 69123.55
- Major Contributions 2017: (Invoiced not received in bold)
- Previous Sponsor: $25000.00 unsolicited recd 3/9/17
- Previous Sponsor: $ (committed to 4th quarter)
- New Sponsor: $ 1000 Invoiced 6/20/16
- Previous Sponsor: $ 4000
- Previous Sponsor: $ 20000, Invoice 4/03/17 received 4/27/17
- New Sponsor $ 1000 Unsolicited contribution received 11/29/16
- Previous Sponsor $ 5000 invoiced 12/28/16 received 1/19/16
- New Sponsor: $1000 Unsolicited received 12/25/16
- New Sponsor: $15000 Invoiced 4/17/17
Appendix B – Team Reports
Communications Team
Membership Team
Fundraising Team
Infrastructure Team
Legal Team
Incubator/Projects Team