Zak Greant’s OSI Weekly Report 2008 Week 13/14

This report is a summary of Zak Greant‘s Open Source Initiative activities for the weeks of March 30th to April 5th and April 6th to 12th, 2008.

These Weeks

  • Light OSI community service work (mostly answering private queries on mailing lists, discussing OSI issues at Go Open, etc.)
  • Dropped the ball on the RfP – just got too busy.
  • Keynote at Go Open in Oslo, Norway

Next Week

  • Keynote atOpen Web Vancouver 2008
  • (Hopefully) publish the RFP.
  • Try to find time to garden the Trac system: enter new issues, update the wiki pages and other general administration tasks.


When this report was written, I was serving the Open Source Initiative as an unpaid board observer.

I own and operate Foo Associates Inc., a small Canadian strategic consultancy. My major client at this time is the Mozilla Foundation. In addition to my volunteer work with the OSI, I also volunteer with the Free Software Foundation, sit on the Continuent advisory board and provide sporadic advice and support to other free software and open source projects.