- Quorum reached and meeting called to order at 15:06 UTC.
Board Members
- Faidon Liambotis
- Megan Byrd-Sanicki
- Josh Simmons
- Pam Chestek
- Elana Hashman
- Patrick Masson
- Tracy Hinds
- Chris Lamb
- Italo Vignoli
- Hong Phuc Dang (15:11 UTC)
- Deb Bryant (15:11 UTC)
Sent RegretsOfficer ReportsSecretary’s Report (Patrick)
- Secretary’s Report
- Thanks to our Assistant Secretary
- Board Packets, we’re making great progress–thank you to all committee chairs! Working with Operations Assistant to help coordinate.
- Motion (Patrick): Approve minutes of 2020 Spring “Face to Face” Draft Board Minutes (https://wiki.opensource.org/bin/Main/OSI+Board+of+Directors/Board+Meeting+Notes/2020SF2F_Board_Minutes )
- Second (Josh).
- Discussion: Slight addition re. Snowdrift report.
- Vote: Yes, 10; No, 0; Abstain, 1 (Faidon).
- Treasurer’s Report (Tracy)
- Monthly Financial Report, see Appendix A
- All monthly reports are available on the OSI Financial Statements’ wiki page at, https://wiki.opensource.org/bin/Operations/Financial+Statements
- Scheduling committee meetings
- Planning new format for delivering Fin. Com. reports, etc.
- Worked with Staffing committee to align budget and staffing requests.
- President’s Report (Josh)
- @ChicagoOpen incident review
- Account using OSI logo engaged in inappropriate actiity and called out several open source groups people.
- Josh responded via Twitter explainnig the account had nothing to do with OSI (pinned tweet to OSI account)
- OSI response accepted by Twitter community
- Increased OSI Twitter account security
- Individual behind incident still active, not currently targeting us.
- Activities
- OSPO++
- Involved in ongoing discussion led by Jacob Green to increase adoption of open source in education (and more broadly public institutions).
- Josh and Patrick gave OSI presentation.
- FOSS Responders
- Participating, and acknowlede Megan for her work.
- Media
- Eclipse Con keynote (The Foundations of Open Source)
- Will be keynoting on foundations
- GUADEC keynote (Necessary, but Not Sufficient)
- Presenting on software freedom is ness.not suff.
- TWiT.tv / FLOSS Weekly (All About OSI)
- Josh on representing OSI.
- Follow up from listeners including FL
- OpenShift Commons Gathering
- Event has multiple OSI directors: Josh, Elana, Hong (initial invitations beyond OSI relationships/activities.
- FLOSS For Science
- Josh and Hong to present.
- OSIdeas
- Eclipse Con keynote (The Foundations of Open Source)
General Manager ReportMonthly Report
- Full report, see Appendix B
- Highlights
- Sponsorships
- Complete update, merge, and categorizing of CiviCRM corporate contacts database.
- Google Sponsorship approved, $20,000
- Engineering, $6,000
- Microsoft $15,000 (of $150,000)
- Budget proposal https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1a9GyqThpH1ebXM01qEvUdipL0tvWtsFeyq3E7-Q2jOE/edit#gid=1083587559
- Motion (Deb): Accept 2020 budget as submitted “scenario #1”
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1a9GyqThpH1ebXM01qEvUdipL0tvWtsFeyq3E7-Q2jOE/edit#gid=1670088300
- Second (Elana)
- Discussion: Status regarding staffing: community manager, communications, development, standards and policy, licensing tool development. License tool budget is missing. Outstanding questions related to allocation of budget related to specific expenses. The budget may not be ready. Can we postpone vote to better inform board as to scenarios.
- Vote: 0 Yes; 11 No; 0 Abstain
- Staffing
- Motion (Josh): Consolidate 2020 hiring budget of $48,000 for the scope of Director of Sustainability, Community Manager, and/or Communications Manager roles.
- Second (Tracy)
- Discussion: Both the staffing and finance committee recommend the staffing roles be filled.
- Vote: 10 Yes; No; Abstain 1 (Patrick)
- Small Business Administration Loan
- The filing fee: $100
- The loan payments begin 12 months after the closing occurs
- 30-year
- Maximum of $150,000, pay $641/month
- No prepayment penalty
- 2.75% Fixed APR
- Motion (Josh): Accept loan for $150,000
- Second (Patrick)
- Discussion: Questions regarding the scheduling and acceptance of the loan. Understand costs and payments related to the loan.
- Vote: 11 Yes; No; 0 Abstain
- Insurance
- Liability
- 2 Million, $7,000
- Events: under 500 people, liquor
- Employee home office
- Background, drug tests, HR handbook etc.
- D&O, no updates.
- Provide the board with current state of all providers and current options, costs for July meeting.
- Zenefits migration complete, first payroll run July.
- Next up: Hand book, on-boarding of new hires.
- Sponsorships
Board Topics
Board Action Items
- A list of open issues assigned to the board and/or board directors with current items and status:
Committee Reports
License Review Committee
- Discussion of Call with House Judiciary Committee
- The Unlicense
- Motion (Pam): That the Unlicense be approved as an Open Source Initiative Approved license in the Special Purpose category of licenses.
- Second (Chris)
- Discussion: Details were provided via email to the board from the License Committee. Thanks to the license committee.
- Vote: Yes, 11; No 0; Abstain 0
Membership Committee
- Affiliate Membership, OpenUK (see Appendix D)
- Deferred to next meeting due to time constraint.
- Held its first kickoff meeting to determine 2020 direction. Elana is tasked with launching a membership interview process to gather data on the OSI’s value proposition for members. (agendas and minutes here https://docs.google.com/document/d/18QliRBqPF_89l6NUtRMR3QxhmC0Y4P_n4B34dR9h-b4/edit#heading=h.5khnhmqjb95s, draft interview questions here, https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VuiuNUezh-LTJh1SRxYLzJfcQNpQBFoHxFxDNT1LvfQ/edit).
- “OSI Value Proposition” constituent survey “results.”
- Responses as word cloud, https://wiki.opensource.org/bin/download/Main/OSI+Board+of+Directors/Board+Meeting+Notes/20200612Agenda/CommunitySurvey-ValueProposition.pdf
- Raw responses, https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1_CP4UIgFzV-sN9bqWfLSWpyaJdj8RJCZ20t8cp6z1vg/edit#responses
Staffing Committee
- Ultimate goal: The Board works at a more strategic level while staff handles operations including staffing, making this committee obsolete overtime and it will dissolve
- We support the motion set forth with the finance committee about giving Patrick approval to spend the money to hire the 3 roles: fundraising, communications, community manager.
- For the fundraising role, we will wait to see what kinds of candidates we get and depending on their physical location we can determine if hiring as an FTE or contractor is best. There are pros/cons for each option.
- Megan will run point on Patrick’s 2020 performance review that’s due in November. The staffing committee owns the process and the standing committee is responsible for making sure it happens each year and reviews are quarterly with the GM. The President gives the annual review. Given that the board already reviewed the 2020 goals and GM criteria, Megan/Staffing committee will present in the July board meeting or via email the process we propose using to get the board’s and the GM’s feedback on the 2020 goals and for finalizing and delivering the review along with the next year’s annual performance goals that are determined by the board and Patrick.
Standards Committee
- Previous Activities
- De Jure Standards
- ISO AG 3 has been concluded with no outcome, will report back to next JTC 1 Plenary
- ETSI BoardOSS has seen an attempt to derail from several pro-FRAND companies
- OASIS has become an OSI Affiliate
- EU Policy
- Letter clarifying Ericsson’s statements about open source sent to Commission & acknowledged
- OSOR workshop on sustainable open source in government attended & OSI represented
- Also made contact with Groningen in regard to CONSUL
- Evaluated two new consultations – to be coordinated with OFE
- New “competition tool” – OSI will engage to establish stakeholder status
- Digital Services Act – OSI will engage to establish stakeholder status
- OSI Members & Sponsors
- Outreach to SAP & Ericsson as potential sponsors
- Engagement with CONSUL for representative handover
- Planned Activities
- De Jure Standards
- Expecting further ETSI BoardOSS meeting(s)
- Blog post positioning RF statement as not excluding patents from FOSS
- Commence MOU with IEEE
- EU Policy
- Blog post relating to Ericsson letter (following Ericsson outreach)
- Letter responding to Roadmap for new anti-trust tool
- Letter exploring the structure of society that’s enabling open source for DSA Consultation
- OFE Expert Workshop for their EU Impact contract
- OSI Members & Sponsors
- First newsletter for Standards & Policy
- Plan first Working Advisors call
- Outreach to Affiliates to commence co-ordination activity
- Full Report: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1_vzb-BNZuxS-C_eSnRWFxrKZFoZPS3OhVD-Kvs6D8j0/edit#slide=id.g89a0a649bb_0_51
- De Jure Standards
- De Jure Standards
Standing Committee
- Committee operationalization reminder
- The “Great Reflection” Initiative
- Snowdrift incubation: requesting graduation target of September 2020, but deadline of December 2020 as a grace period.
- Mailing list for incubator projects? (Chris)
Next Board Meeting
The next OSI board meeting is scheduled for July 10, 2020
Motion (Josh): Adjourn the meeting.
Second (Patrick)Discussion:
Vote: Yes, 11; No, 0; Abstain 0
Meeting adjourned at 17:00 UTC
Appendix A – Treasurer’s Report
(All monthly reports are available on the OSI Financial Statements’ wiki page at, https://wiki.opensource.org/bin/Operations/Financial+Statements)
Treasurer’s Report For the Month Ending May 31, 2020
- Total Assets at Beginning of Period, 05/01/20: $328,644
- Revenue or Sources of Funds
- Contributions: $357
- Memberships: $1,000Interest: $3
- Payment Protection Program & SBA EIDL Grants: $24,025
- Total Revenue or Sources of Funds: $25,385
- Expenses or Uses of Funds
- Compensation: $10,789
- Insurance Expense: $49Internet Expenses: $51
- Legal & Professional Fees: $9,404
- Office Expenses: $124
- Other Expenses: $59
- Total Expenses or Uses of Funds: $20,475
- Change in Cash
- Change in Accounts Receivable: $0
- Change in Accounts Payable: -$2,916
- Other: -$2,157 (Federal Income Tax Payable-Foreign Contract)
- Revenue or Sources of Funds
- Total Assets at End of Period, 05/31/20: $328,481
Appendix B – General Manager’s Report
- Monthly Board Report: June 2020 (Patrick)
Appendix C- Working Group and Incubator Reports
- Monthly Board Report: June 2020 (Chris)
FLOSS Desktops
- Monthly Board Report: June 2020 (Patrick)
Open Source and StandardsOpen Source Technology ManagementSnowdrift
- Snowdrift incubator report: Snowdrift will be narrowing its graduation criteria to ensure it can graduate within the September timeframe, and asks if the OSI board is okay to provide up to 3 months grace on that deadline in case of unexpected delays (i.e. incubation targeted to end in September 2020, guaranteed to end in December 2020). As their board rep, I have no issue with this.