August 14, 2020
Live Meeting Notes:
- URL: https://pad.documentfoundation.org/p/osiboard
- Username: osiboard
- Password: 0s1b0ard!2017
Call in information:
- To join the video meeting, click this link: meet.google.com/ttb-aamd-ymi
- Or, dial one of the listed phone numbers with the associated PIN:https://meet.google.com/tel/ttb-aamd-ymi?pin=3014784286124&hs=1
Quorum reached and meeting called to order at 15:06 UTC.
Board Members
Megan Byrd-Sanicki
Faidon Liambotis
Deb Bryant
Chris Lamb
Elana Hashman
Pam Chestek
Josh Simmons
Hong Phuc Dang
Expected, but Not Present
Sent Regrets
Tracy Hinds
Italo Vignoli
Officer Reports
* Moved to distributing PDFs links to avoid permission problems
Secretary’s Report (Deb Bryant and Chris Lamb)
- Motion (Josh): Approve Board meeting minutes of July 10, 2020 https://wiki.opensource.org/bin/Main/OSI%20Board%20of%20Directors/Board%20Meeting%20Notes/July%2010%2C%202020%20Draft%20Board%20Meeting%20Minutes/
- Second (Pam).
- Vote: Yes (8), ; No (0) ; Abstain (0).
- Motion passes
- Chris to amend to clarify the item re. unactioned “board action items”
Treasurer’s Report (Tracy Hinds and Megan Byrd-Sanicki)
- No July financials from Phyllis, expected next week
- All monthly reports are available on the OSI Financial Statements’ wiki page at https://wiki.opensource.org/bin/Operations/Financial+Statements
President’s Report (Josh Simmons and Hong Phuc Dang)
Board Topics
Recap from strategy sessions with Adam Goodman
- See notes and folder here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10qCWGepCu9sbGZU8iElPVAuooi663NTl6MUh81FVNhQ
- Further work required, especially regarding transitioning to an advisory board, and executing on hiring a loosely-defined “head of OSI”, Timeline includes virtual face-to-face meeting in November.
Temporary changes
- Discuss criteria for identifying non-essential programs to suspend, eg. impact, vision, etc.
- https://keep.google.com/#NOTE/1wreJjUUDeiX5PgZGmKwMvKd1hXfjMqilUwZzn4MkeQpOK8EvttcFoW2qK_Fh7A
- 1. Alignment with Vision, 2. Sustainability, 3. Visibility and Profile, 4. Stakeholder Engagement, and 5. Associated Commitments
- 6. Does it help us achieve our top goals/priorities?
- 7. Are these programs that we uniquely can provide?
- Suspend Standards, Communications, and Membership Committees
- Maybe also Standing
- Would leave us with Finance, Staffing, and License.
- Not to discontinue work per se
- Motion (Pam): Suspend Standards, Communications, and Membership Committees.
- Second (Megan).
- Vote: Yes (8). No (0). Abstain (0). Motion passes.
- Discussion: Discussion of whether the Standing Committee be added to the prior motion.
- Motion (Deb): Amending the motion to add the Standing Committee to the list of committees to be dissolved.
- Second: (Elana)
- Discussion: Discussion of formal powers of the Standing Committee & impact on President’s workload.
- To be potentially revisited
- Vote: Yes (0) ; No (7); Abstain (1). Amendment not passed.
Convene follow-up sessions on governance
Two extra Board sessions to be scheduled to discuss/agree on below:
- Communication protocols
- Hiring, firing, and evaluating the Head of Organization, and the Board’s role therein
- Board member agreement
Intention to complete work in this area by November
Upcoming work
- Mission and vision
- Education program filters/focus
Scope of additional facilitation within bounds of approved budget
Committee Reports
Standards Committee (Pam Chestek)
- Meeting Minutes – July 23, 2020 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uL0DKH8mWVLJ9OJXMt5nl1lwyLlZC3F6wBwPzVS2xK4
License Committee (Pam Chestek)
- Motion (Deb): That the MIT No Attribution License be approved as an Open Source Initiative Approved license in the Legacy Approval category of licenses.http://lists.opensource.org/pipermail/license-review_lists.opensource.org/2020-August/004915.html
- Second (Elana).
- Discussion: Question re. SPDX license identifier (“MIT-0”).
- Vote: Yes (8) ; No (0) ; Abstain (0). Motion passes.
Communications Committee (Italo Vignoli)
- Next steps – Italo not able to attend; item skipped.
Membership Committee (Elana Hashman)
2020 Members’ Survey Report:
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WYpG2pAXSwTvzZcZJJ03z019YwIwbG8QUUNlDPljR64 – 20 minutes
- Need to follow up with our other stakeholders and include the wider context (e.g. sponsors, policy organizations)
- What are we going to do with the results?
- Suggestion: F2F topic.
- Action: Elana should make summary recommendations based on feedback – could have an outside volunteer assist.
- Need data from sponsors/policy stakeholders/etc. for F2F.
- Discussion around sending current report to people involved/quoted in report.
- Action: Elana to draft email communication to share with survey participants for approval by the Board, will hold communication if there are any concerns.
- Motion (Elana): To approve the 2020 Members’ Survey Report and allocate staff time to work on a report summary for publication.
- Second (Deb).
- Amount of time TBD, as appropriate.
- Vote: Yes (8) ; No (0) ; Abstain (0). Motion passes
- 2021 Events https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19lh3kO8gsewbiWPlswKHiZ3_FgNr5xcbVZgQ5mJ1luw – 10 minutes
- [Deferred to next meeting due to Italo unable to attend]
Finance Committee (Tracy Hinds)
- Tracy out on Maternity leave; July financials not available at board meeting time.
Staffing Committee (Megan Byrd-Sanicki)
- See supporting document. https://wiki.opensource.org/bin/download/Main/OSI%20Board%20of%20Directors/Board%20Meeting%20Notes/20200814Agenda/8%20Open%20Source%20Initiative%20Mail%20-%20%5BExcomm%5D%20Staffing%20Committee%20Board%20Packet%20Item.pdf
- Update on Adam’s process; discussed as part of Board Topics
- IGM hiring updates
- Deb Nicholson has accepted our job offer
- Start date September 1, 2020
- A 30/60/90 day work plan is being created, along with roles for helping on-board
- Patrick Masson will be helping on contract to help with training
- Will help her with the hiring pipeline; Josh as reached out to sustainability candidates to ask them to hold their interest
- Next steps for permanent Head of OrganizationLonger-term; permanent head of staff
- Working on that job description and process to hire
- Staff committee will work on process as next step and will present at September board meeting
- Goal is to be ready to go out with recruitment by November board meeting
Standing Committee (Josh Simmons)
Project Reports
Incubator working group
- See supporting document. https://wiki.opensource.org/bin/download/Main/OSI%20Board%20of%20Directors/Board%20Meeting%20Notes/20200814Agenda/7%20Open%20Source%20Initiative%20Mail%20-%20%5BExcomm%5D%20Incubator%20Topics%20for%20OSI%20Board%20Meeting.pdf
- Suggestion that “onboarding” also has an equivalent “off-ramp”.
- Motion (Deb): To form the Incubator Working Group with the charter: “The OSI Incubator WG is tasked with developing a set of minimum graduation requirements for incubator projects that would like to maintain fiscal sponsorship with the OSI.”
- Second (Chris).
- Vote: Yes (8) ; No (0) ; Abstain (0). Motion passes.
- Action: Elana to set up an initial meeting with Chris.
- See supporting document. https://wiki.opensource.org/bin/download/Main/OSI%20Board%20of%20Directors/Board%20Meeting%20Notes/20200814Agenda/7%20Open%20Source%20Initiative%20Mail%20-%20%5BExcomm%5D%20Incubator%20Topics%20for%20OSI%20Board%20Meeting.pdf
State of the Source
- Brief update given on sponsorships and submissions.
- Hong to send larger update offline.
- Request to Board members for talks.
Next Board Meeting
The next OSI board meeting is scheduled for September 18th, 2020.
Meeting adjourned at 15:59 UTC