
Live Meeting Notes: August 25th, 2021

Call in information:


Quorum reached and meeting called to order at 15:00 UTC.


Stefano Maffulli

Board Members

Josh Simmons

Italo Vignoli

Deb Bryant

Chris Lamb

Tracy Hinds

Hong Phuc Dang

Deb Bryant


Deb Nicholson

Expected, but Not Present




First 30 minutes 

Chris moved to approve the minutes, Josh seconded

Approve minutes from last time (2 minutes)


Vote: yes; 6 no; 0 abstain; 0

“old Board” meets to accept election results

Deb Bryant moves to accept the slate of candidates chosen by our voters, Josh seconds

Vote: yes; 5 no; abstain 1

Thank you Chris!


First OSI Board Meeting with new Board Members

Wednesday, August 25 · 11:30am – 1:00pm (EDT)

Video call link: https://meet.google.com/rni-ijhk-oob


Stefano Maffulli

Board Members

Aeva Black

Catharina Maracke

Deb Bryant

Hong Phuc Dang

Josh Simmons

Megan Byrd-Sanicki

Thierry Carrez

Tracy Hinds

Italo Vignoli


Deb Nicholson

Expected, but Not Present


Pam Chestek


Welcome new board members!

Introductions (15 minutes)

Board Organization

  • Officer roles (Josh Simmons, 7 minutes)
  • Active committees (Josh Simmons, 6 minutes)
  • Finance, License, Standards, Staffing
  • Appointed board members (Deb Bryant, 7 minutes)
  • Logistics, philosophy and the task ahead
  • You can keep people if you like
  • Deb is not interested in returning

Tracy Hinds (treasurer) – describes what OSI budget process (https://docs.google.com/document/d/13cYP3b8gwb7fU-gscdeSul_1Q3Qm5RupxpEyXgroFiA/edit)  will look like this year (10 minutes)

Current Financial Health Slides https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1RHud8DFiPYs9iUGuA4S4n_DH_jNSg1cJxtkN60VfPzY/edit#slide=id.g53c5b5b2b3_0_0

Strategic Planning process, upcoming sessions


12:30 Fundraising update — Betsy Waliszewski introduces herself (10 minutes)

Incubators; including Clearly Defined (5 minutes)

Clearly Defined Report from July https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OqHTTRyZI6v_EveZ-vO7PbxhjhyqYLT5wlbaJTghLUY/edit#heading=h.t4ctj4lciwd4

Affiliates applications to discuss/confirm (10 minutes)

Geek Zone’s Application

Deb Bryant moved to accept, Catharina seconded

Vote: 8 Yes; 0 No; 1 Abstain

Motion carries

Our upcoming event POSI — board members can to help socialize (5 minutes)

*for next time: Licensing and the License discuss list (Pam Chestek, 15 minutes)*

Also, for next time invite Clearly Defined to talk about their work

Next Board Meeting

The next OSI board meeting is scheduled for 2 hours on September 17th, but there may be some additional time slots for Strategic Planning

Meeting adjourned at… 17:01 UTC