Live Meeting Notes: September 17th, 2021
Call in information:
- To join the video meeting, click this link: https://meet.google.com/ttb-aamd-ymi
Quorum reached and meeting called to order at 15:05 UTC.
Board Members
Catharina Maracke
Pam Chestek
Italo Vignoli
Tracy Hinds
Megan Byrd-Sanicki
Thierry Carrez
Aeva Black
Josh Simmons
Deb Nicholson
Stefano Maffulli
Expected, but Not Present
Deb Bryant
Hong Phuc
Approve last month’s minutes
Motion (Josh): Approve the minutes of the election result meeting.
Second (Italo).
Discussion: None.
Vote: 3 Yes; 0 No; 5 Abstain.
Motion (Aeva): Approve the second half of the meeting minutes August 25th.
Second (Catharina).
Discussion: None
Vote: 7 Yes; 0 No; 1 Abstain.
- Fundraising update & how the board can help, 10 minutes Betsy & Stef
- Aeva offered some help with their contacts
- Adding new free tier to individual membership
- What to expect on the agendas for our regular monthly meetings, 5 minutes Deb Bryant
- Any questions on the monthly finance update? 3 minutes Tracy
- Pam does an overview of License Discuss, 20 minutes including Q&A
- Vote on JAM License Committee Recommendation, Pam 5 minutes
Motion (Aeva): to accept the license review committee’s recommendation to approve JAM license.
Second (Thierry).
Vote: 8 Yes; 0 No; 0 Abstain.
- Officer Elections, see supplemental note from, Josh Simmons 20 minutes
- Nominations
- Chair – Josh
- Vice Chair – Megan
- Treasurer/CFO – Tracy
- Assistant Treasurer – Catharina
- Secretary – Thierry
- Assistant Secretary – Aeva
Motion (Josh): Approve this slate?
Second (Aeva).
Vote: 8 Yes; 0 No; 0 Abstain.
- Board appointments, discussion of approach, Josh Simmons 20 minutes
- Talk about experience/perspective gaps
- Open Data/Open Science, Geographical, esp. southern hemisphere
- More lawyers, build bridges with other orgs
- Brainstorm names (please keep this process confidential!)
- Vetting
- Chair will reach out to confirm availability
- Vote at next month’s meeting
- Committees discussion, Megan Byrd-Sanicki 10 minutes
- History of committees on this board, as we shift ops to staff we are generally closing committees rather than creating new ones
- Current Committees
- Finance (Chaired by Tracy)
- Current membership: Tracy, Josh
- New members: Catharina, Thierry
- License (Chaired by Pam)
- Current membership: Pam, Hong Phuc Dang
- New members: Aeva, Catharina
- Standards (Chaired by Pam)
- Current membership: Pam, Deb Bryant, Josh
- New members: Aeva
- Exiting: Josh
- Catharina interested but not committing yet
- Staffing (Chaired by Megan)
- Current membership: Megan, Tracy, Josh, Deb Bryant, Italo, Hong Phuc
- Not seeking new members, committee slated to wind down by end of year.
Additional Materials: September Standards Update
Invited guest: Betsy Waliszewski
NEXT TIME: Invite Clearly Defined to talk about their work for the year, offer ways to find more info, etc., 10 minutes
Next Board Meeting
The next OSI board meeting is scheduled for..October 15th
Meeting adjourned at… 16:56 UTC
Motion (): Approve and post the meeting minutes of __________ .
Second ().
Vote: 0 Yes; 0 No; 0 Abstain.