Quorum reached and meeting called to order at 15:08 UTC.
Board Members present
- Catharina Maracke
- Pam Chestek
- Italo Vignoli
- Tracy Hinds
- Megan Byrd-Sanicki
- Thierry Carrez
- Aeva Black
- Deb Bryant
- Hong Phuc Dang
- Stefano Maffulli
- Carol Smith & Nell Shamrell-Harrington (present for ClearlyDefined presentation)
- Josh Simmons
Approval of September 17th board meeting minutes:
Motion (Deb Bryant): Approve last month’s minutes
Second (Megan Byrd-Sanicki).
Discussion: no question
Vote: 9 Yes; 0 No; 0 Abstain.
Motion approved by unanimous vote.
Budget preparation for 2022
Tracy Hinds on behalf of the Finance Committee presented to explain what the process of establishing 2022 budget will look like.
Presentation of 2021 financial highlights
Tracy Hinds on behalf of the Finance Committee presented current financial status, including a report showing that the POSI event generated a net positive of $14k.
Closing out Staffing Committee
The Staffing committee has fulfilled its purpose and should be disbanded.
Motion (Deb Bryant): Close the staffing committee, effective immediately
Second (Tracy Hinds).
Discussion: no question
Vote: 9 Yes; 0 No; 0 Abstain.
Approved by unanimous vote.
Introducing the Nominating WG
Appointing board members should follow a predetermined criteria so that the process is more structured. A Nominating WG will work on that. Discussion ensued on the opportunity to stagger terms for the two appointed board members, and whether or not to vote immediately on Tracy Hinds’s renewing appointment.
New affiliate application: Cloud Computing Innovation Council of India
Stefano Maffulli presents the application by CCICI. Board members object that the application is missing itemized answers for each of the requirements present in the Affiliate Requirements documentation. In particular, it is missing requirement 8 (references from other open source projects, ideally a current OSI Affiliate Member)
Motion (Aeva Black): Revisit CCICI application at next meeting
Second (Catharina Maracke).
Discussion: no question
Vote: 9 Yes; 0 No; 0 Abstain.
The board votes to delay application until next meeting, by unanimous vote. Stefano Maffulli will reach out and ask for more detailed answers to requirements
Presentation by Clearly Defined
Carol Smith & Nell Shamrell-Harrington join the meeting to present an activity report and talk about their work for the year, offer ways to find more info.
Update on OSADL
OSADL applied to be an affiliate org some time ago. The board discussed the opportunity to reach out again to encourage OSADL to join. There is a lack of clarity whether they should join as affiliate, sponsor, or both.
Motion (Catharina Maracke): Revisit OSADL application at next meeting
Second (Megan Byrd-Sanicki).
Discussion: no question
Vote: 7 Yes; 0 No; 2 Abstain.
Board votes to delay application until next meeting.
Next Board Meeting
The next OSI board meeting is scheduled for November 19th.
Meeting adjourned at 16:58 UTC.