Nov 18, 2022
Board Members
Aeva Black, Thierry Carrez, Pamela Chestek, Josh Berkus, Catharina Maracke, Carlo Piana, Justin Colannino, Tracy Hinds (starting 08:20), Amanda Brock (starting 08:26)
Stefano Maffulli
Quorum reached at 08:03
Approval of previous minutes
Thierry motions and Catharina seconds the motion to approve the minutes. All present approve. (Amanda absent, Tracy not present)
Appointment of Tracy Hinds as board member and treasurer
Board discusses using asynchronous/email voting, and agrees this should be amended/clarified in our by-laws. Catharina praises the past work of Tracy. The board briefly discusses.
Aeva motions to re-appoint Tracy as a board member for a two-year term, and to reinstate her as Treasurer immediately. Carlo seconds. All present approve.
(Tracy joins at 08:20)
Operational Update
Stef presents the operational update.
Stef shares details of a new Anonymous Donor who is supportive of increased EU engagement. Stef shares updates on the Membership Drive, and notes that we currently have about 600 members.
(Amanda joins at 08:26)
Stef shares a review of 2022’s accomplishments and his plan to build on them for 2023, and proposes four goals. The board discusses these goals and plans until 09:30.
Stef shares financial objectives, with the goal to maintain revenue and number of sponsors in a difficult year. He presents projections in expenses and revenue. The board discusses priorities until 9:45.
Updated election process
Josh shares change proposals around election policy. Carlo motions to extend the election results notification period to 5 working days. Catharina seconds. All present approve.
Josh will call a meeting between now and the December board meeting to discuss a subset of changes we could approve before the 2023 election cycle.
Meeting adjourned at 10:04