Board Members
Catharina Maracke, Justin Colannino, Thierry Carrez, Tracy Hinds, Carlo Piana, Aeva Black, Josh Berkus, Pamela Chestek, Amanda Brock (joined 08:35)
Stefano Maffulli
Quorum reached at 08:02
Approval of previous minutes
Josh Berkus motions to approve the minutes, Carlo Piana seconded. All present approved.
Operational Update and Retrospective
Stefano provides a year-end review of activities, sponsorships, memberships, and press coverage, and a prioritized list of goals for CY23.
The board discusses the prioritization of CY23’s proposed action items, which include: Events, Marketing Initiatives, Policy & Standards, License renewal projects, and ClearlyDefined. The board further discusses the high level goals as presented by Stefano, and broadly agrees with the intent and scope.
1. Maintain financial excellence, keep cash operating reserves above 3 months, excluding loan.
2. Maintain operational solidity, keep staff focused on their goals
3. Establish OSI as thought leader
3.a. Establish OSI as a credible educator for policy makers in Bruxelles and DC
3.b. Continue conversations on AI
4. Complete one of the License renewal projects (discuss, review, archive, drafted in 2022)
5.a. Renew the Affiliates program to reinforce OSI’s role of convener of conversations
5.b. Create a compelling experience for OSI “members” to increase attractiveness and retention of supporters
The board expresses a desire to approve these goals after the wording has been refined. Aeva Black volunteers to assist Stefano Maffulli in wordsmithing, with intent to share the finalized list to the Board next week.
Catharina Maracke makes a motion to approve these high level goals. Pamela Chestek seconds. All present approve.
Stefano presents three projected budgets to the board (below, expected, and above expected fundraising goals). Budget will be reforecast in May.
Tracy Hinds motions to approve the budget. Catharina Maracke seconds. All present approve.
The Board enters executive session at 09:30 to discuss Stefano’s performance in CY22. Stefano departs.
The Board exits executive session at 09:50. Stefano rejoins.
Pamela Chestek provides an update on plans to update the license-review process, including plans to notify and request feedback from the community on the conclusions of the License Review Working Group via several channels in the next few months.
Josh Berkus presents two small changes to the Elections Process: (1) incorporating wording related to maximum term limits; (2) copy process documents related to the announcement of election results from private documents into public documents.
Proposed language: “Directors who have served for five or more years may not run for the Board, until they have been off of the board for one year or more.”
Catharina Maracke motions to approve the proposed language. Aeva Black seconds. Approved by all present, a majority of board members. (Amanda and Carlo absent).
Josh moves that we copy relevant sections of the staff’s elections-process documents into public documents. Catharina seconds. All present approve. (Amanda absent)
Meeting adjourned at 10:07