May 19, 2023
Board Members Catharina Maracke, Pamela Chestek, Justin Colannino, Carlo Piana, Anne-Marie Scott, Aeva Black, Josh Berkus, Thierry Carrez, Tracy Hinds, Amanda Brock
Regrets None
Guests Stefano Maffulli
Quorum reached at 08:03
Catharina introduces Anne-Marie to the Board.
Updates from Gothenburg discussion
Carlo, Catharina, Justin, and Pam were present. Conversation & fishbowl sessions were held under Chatham-House Rule, were generally productive, and arrived at consensus that a few historical license approvals would not be approved if submitted today. A proposal was put forward to allow re-submission of historical licenses to trigger review. The board discussed potential review processes.
Discussion of the Questionable License Working Group (QLWG)
Josh Berkus presents a draft proposal with three discrete steps to develop the review process. The board discusses, and agrees that we should communicate publicly that we are undertaking a review process.
Pamela departs at 08:57
Operational Update
- Financial update: Currently ahead of revenue goals, with 7 months of operating reserves.
- License update project: Intern (Giulia) has completed review of accessible emails and wiki.
- Events plan: continuation of the Deep Dive AI underway. Next step is to attempt to define what an open source AI license looks like. Anticipating in-person event during ATO in October.
- Website: phase two completed. There is also an opportunity for the OSI to inherit opensource.com content & supports its community of authors, as RedHat layoffs have affected its maintenance.
New Business
The board discusses the “Principles For Safer Developer Ecosystem” proposal from GitHub. Justin recuses himself from this discussion. Aeva raises concerns about the implications of this proposal and asks the Board to consider its priority relative to other priorities, relative to the effort required, and in the context of our Mission.
Deb Bryant joins at 09:10, and presents an update from the Policy and Standards Committee, and presents the launch plans for the Open Policy Alliance. The Board discusses.
Deb and Amanda depart at 09:44.
Stef presents a request from the Eleuther AI Institute to join the Affiliate Network. Josh moves to approve the Eleuther AI Institute. Justin seconds. 7 approve. Aeva abstains. Pam and Amanda are absent. The motion passes by majority vote.
Stef presents that the OSSI (Open Source Software Institute) has gone dormant and lost their non-profit status. The board defers the discussion.
Catharina moves to approve the minutes from March. Josh seconds. Anne-Marie abstains. All others present approve.
The board is made aware of the License Review Committee’s discussion regarding the MAPOD4D license. The committee has provided markup to the license proposer, who has not responded since January. No Board vote is required at this time. The board also notes that the License Review Process should be amended to clarify that an offramp exists for license proposals that are withdrawn by default.
Meeting adjourns at 09:58