Jun 16, 2023
Board Members Catharina Maracke, Aeva Black, Carlo Piana, Josh Berkus, Pamela Chestek, Amanda Brock, Tracy Hinds, Justin Collanino
Regrets Anne Marie Scott, Thierry Carrez
Guests Stefano Maffulli
Quorum reached at 08:02
Approval of previous minutes
Carlo moved to approve. Pam abstains. All others present voted in favor.
License Review Process Working Group (Pam)
Pam presented the WG’s proposal. The Board discussed the proposed wording for the Legacy and New License processes, and for the proposed Tagging process. Minor edits were made to the definition of Legacy. Catharina moved to approve the proposal as amended. Josh seconded. All present voted in favor.
Questionable License Working Group (Josh)
Having reviewed the proposal, the Board engaged in a lively discussion.
Josh reminded the Board that the proposal requires a Board Member to chair the WG, and highlighted his term length and its effect on his availability to start this Work.
Aeva requested an estimated count of licenses subject to “questioning” (60). Josh suggested many licenses would be very quick to review, so the effective number is lower than the actual number.
Pam expressed concern that the Board should understand the consequences of any action taken as a result of this work, including any “reapproval” of old licenses, prior to approving it. Aeva amended the proposal to add explicit gates (votes by the Board) between each of the three Phases to allow a future Board to address Pam’s concern.
Pam moved to approve the amended proposal and start the work. Calro seconded. All present approved.
Financial Status Update
Stef shared a positive outlook, and some new sponsorship opportunities. The Board discussed.
Operational Update
Stef shared that Betsy will be retiring at the end of the month, and that he will shift marketing responsibilities fully to contractors. These two changes will not impact the budget.
Stef shared an update on Clearly Defined and the License review work of our intern.
Stef provided an update of the status of ‘opensource.com’ – the domain is not going to be released, but the community and content will migrate to ‘opensource.net’ under OSI management.
DeepDive AI
Stef shared a plan for events throughout the year, and the increased urgency of addressing “open source AI” as a result of this language being included in the EU’s “AI Act”
MAP0D4D License (Pam)
Pam presented the result of the License Committee’s review, and moved that the OSI reject the license since it does not conform to the OSD and assure software freedom. Aeva seconded the motion. All present approved.
Affiliate Updates (Stef)
Stef noted that OSSI has lost their non-profit status, appears to be dormant, and that the foundation’s founder, who retired in 2013, has confirmed that he has no objections to its removal. Josh moved to remove OSSI from our Affiliate list. Justin seconded. All present approved.
Aeva moved to defer the Curriki affiliate application to July. Catharina seconded. All present approved.
Other Items
Amanda introduced the topic of the LF’s Open Source Congress event for discussion.
Meeting adjourned at 10:02