
Board Members Josh Berkus Aeva Black Thierry Carrez Gael Blondelle Carlo Piana Pamela Chestek Justin Collanino Tracy Hinds Catharina Maracke Chris Aniszczyk Anne-Marie Scott

Guests Stefano Maffulli

Regrets Sayeed Choudhury

Quorum reached at 08:03

Stefano proposes to rearrange the meeting to accommodate his schedule conflict.

Stefano provides an update on funding and new grants. The board briefly discusses new opportunities.

Stefano provides an update on staffing for both the EU and US Policy workload, followed by an update from the AI License Committee, and the board discusses.

Stefano provides a brief overview of plans for the October board meeting, and then departs the meeting at 08:45.

Josh Berkus begins a discussion from the License Review Committee. The Board provided feedback on the progress made towards the LRC’s goal, and thanked Josh for his continued excellent work. The LRC moves on to the next phase of review.

Chris and Justin depart the meeting.

Aeva presents the Minutes from 4/19 for review. Anne-Marie requests a minor change. Pam moves to approve the minutes as amended, and Josh seconds. Two abstain, and all others present approve the minutes. The minutes are approved by simple majority.
The meeting adjourned at 09:47.