
Board Members Josh Berkus Aeva Black Thierry Carrez Gael Blondelle Carlo Piana Pamela Chestek Justin Collanino Tracy Hinds Catharina Maracke Chris Aniszczyk Anne-Marie Scott

Guests Stefano Maffulli

Regrets Sayeed Choudhury

Quorum reached at 08:03

Carlo moves to approve last month’s minutes, with one typo correction. Anne-marie seconds. Justin abstains. All others approve.

AI Definition

Stefano introduces the topic of the AI Definition. The board discusses the potential outcome and the process to achieve that.

Thierry moves as follows: 

The board requires that the staff and the AI committee propose by the in-person meeting of 2024 in Raleigh, an Open Source AI Definition that is supported by stakeholders that include deployers of AI, end users of AI and subjects (those affected by AI decisions), provides positive examples of AI systems, is rooted in current practice and provides a reference for interested parties.

Pam abstains. Josh and Aeva oppose.

Stefano moves into discussing the current state in the process of the drafting work.


Stef briefly shares the monthly financial report. The board has no questions.

Stef shares the agenda for the upcoming board meeting in North Carolina, and reminds board members to plan travel, as appropriate.

Stef invites Nick Vidal to discuss the Open Atom Foundation and Open Congress.

Meeting adjourned at 09:54