OSI Board Meeting Minutes, Thursday, October 11th, 2018
Quorum reached and meeting called to order at 16:38 UTC.
Board Members
Expected, but Not Present
Sent Regrets
Officer Reports
Board Topics
Membership Topics
Communications Topics
Fundraising Topics
Legal Topics
Motion: Retain services of a person for up to $500/month for license review administrator (Patrick)
Second: Simon
Yays: 8 Nays: 0 Abstain: 0
ACTION: Patrick to develop job description & bring proposal back to Board
Motion: Rename “Free Public License-1.0.0” to 0BSD per request from license steward (Simon)
Discussion: Need to validate this name change is the consensus of the community (Richard)
ACTION: Richard will validate & report back at next meeting
Motion: Retire CUA-OPL-1.0 per historic request (Simon)
Second: Richard
Yays: 8 Nays: 0 Abstain: 0
Action: Patrick to move this license to retired license
Discussion of “For Approval: Convertible Free Software License, Version 1.1 (C-FSL v1.1)” has not reached a positive consensus at this point
Infrastructure Topics
Incubator/Project Topics
Review of Timeline
Next Board Meeting
The scheduled meeting on November 8 is cancelled & the next OSI board meeting is scheduled for November 13 & 14 in Milan, Italy.
Meeting adjourned at 10:50AM Pacific
Motion (): Approve and post the meeting minutes of __________ .
Second ().
Vote: 0 Yes; 0 No; 0 Abstain.
Appendix A – Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer’s Report For the Month Ending: September 30, 2018
Total Assets at Beginning of Period (09/01/18): $471,807
Change in Accounts Payable -$7,764
Total Assets at Beginning of Period (09/30/18) $430,700
Major Contributions in the last 12 months
OSI Sponsorships
Sponsor Name | Date Invoiced | Date Paid | Sponsorship Amount | Sponsorship Receivable |
Old Sponsor | 04/03/17 | 04/27/17 | $20,000 | $0 |
Old Sponsor | 04/17/17 | 06/05/17 | $15,000 | $0 |
Old Sponsor | 06/12/17 | 07/03/17 | $1,000 | $0 |
Old Sponsor | 06/26/17 | 06/26/17 | $20,000 | $0 |
Old Sponsor | 06/26/17 | 07/03/17 | $1,000 | $0 |
Old Sponsor | 07/31/17 | 09/07/17 | $1,000 | $0 |
Old Sponsor | 07/31/17 | 09/07/17 | $1,000 | $0 |
Old Sponsor | 08/11/17 | 09/05/17 | $7,500 | $0 |
Old Sponsor | 08/11/17 | 11/01/17 | $2,500 | $0 |
Old Sponsor | 09/11/17 | 10/02/17 | $15,000 | $0 |
Old Sponsor | 09/14/17 | 09/28/17 | $7,500 | $0 |
Old Sponsor | 09/14/17 | 10/14/17 | $7,500 | $0 |
Old Sponsor | 10/01/17 | 11/11/17 | $20,000 | $0 |
Old Sponsor | 10/06/17 | 10/17/17 | $20,000 | $0 |
Old Sponsor | 12/14/17 | 01/31/18 | $20,000 | $0 |
Old Sponsor | 01/12/18 | 01/12/18 | $25,000 | $0 |
Old Sponsor | 01/12/18 | 05/09/18 | $6,000 | $0 |
Old Sponsor | 02/01/18 | 06/12/18 | $20,000 | $0 |
Old Sponsor | 02/01/18 | 02/06/18 | $1,000 | $0 |
Old Sponsor | 02/12/18 | 03/08/18 | $20,000 | $0 |
Old Sponsor | 03/29/18 | 05/18/18 | $20,000 | $0 |
Old Sponsor | 04/19/18 | 05/21/18 | $20,000 | $0 |
New Sponsor | 05/30/18 | $540 | $540 | |
New Sponsor | 07/28/18 | $1,000 | $1,000 | |
New Sponsor | 08/15/18 | 08/15/18 | $200,000 | $0 |
ClearlyDefined Sponsorships
Old Sponsor | 05/09/18 | 05/30/18 | $50,000 | $0 |
Old Sponsor | 06/26/18 | 06/29/18 | $100,000 | $0 |
Old Sponsor | 06/28/18 | 08/10/18 | $25,000 | $0 |
Appendix B – Team Reports
Communications Team
Membership Team
Fundraising Team
Infrastructure Team
Legal Team
Incubator/Projects Team